2. Computer Aided Design (CAD)¶
Inkscape - (2d-design)¶
Inkscape: welcome page there is different templates and tools to start-up your project design, it is great for simple design shapes and logos.
Customize your own document properties
Useful tools
Pen tool - designs
Star and poly manipulation
Creating a three
Final Project - Logo¶
click here to download my file
Cuttle.xyz (2d-design)¶
This week I tried designing a 2d-design using cutlle.xyz
click here to download my file
Drag and select the desired shape
Move circle away of origin to a desires distance
Modify> rotational repeat
Change number of circles by changing ‘repetitions’
We can add border outline
Change width from 0.1 to 1.1
Uniform scale
Scale change
Change color of fill and border
Add a parameter
Final Result
Export the design (choose SVG or DXF)
Using Cuttle to create a finger-joint box templete¶
Designing in cuttle xyz for my final project
Box Layout
click here to download my file
Making edges¶
Component 1 - Edge A¶
Transform origin hold Ctrl and choose origin point.
Set Parameters
Leftover 1
Leftover 2
Check (change length to 4.6)
That edges tabs are too long fix parameter numTabs by adding +0.5 to equation
Component 2 - Edge B¶
Remove Leftover 1 and Leftover 2
Remove reference rectangle Edge A
Remove reference rectangle Edge B
Component 3 - Front Panel Panel (Use all Edge A)¶
For Down use ‘Mirror’
For Left use ‘Mirror’
Filling corner
Corner 1
Corner 2
Corner 3
Corner 4
Union aka ‘weld’
Component 4 - Side Panel (Right and left should be Edge B) + remove corners and Edge A and move mirror to Edge B¶
Component 5 - Top panel (Edge B) + in Top and bottom, Remove Edge A, Replace mirror to Edge b¶
Box Layout + Parameters¶
Front layout + parameters
Side layout + parameters
Top layout + parameters
Tip For laser machines setup¶
3d – Program: Tinkercad¶
This is an online website for 3d-design, it have built in tutorial that helps you understand how to use the tools to get desired design.
Chess pawn example¶
I created a chess pawn by following the tutorial provided by Tinkercad
Fusion 360¶
First Shape using Rotate function (old toy)¶
Final shape
click here to download my file
Revolve: Choose axis and rotational degree
Change Appearance: Old toy can be made from steel or wood
Creating a 3 component table¶
Final shape
click here to download my file
Choose the small rectangle in top view and Extrude
Move + copy: Make sure to tick ‘create a copy’.
Create sketch in top side
Choose table top>extrude
Lego Block¶
Final shape
click here to download my file
Sketch base + Extrude
Place Circle in top surface + CREATE>Extrude + CREATE>Patter>Rectangular
Bottom face- MODIFY>Shell
Expand + Rectangular pattern
MODIFY>Fillet (smoothing sharp edges)
Saving Design Tips¶
How to save it in format that machine understand it (3d-printer)
For 2d machines format
Class Activity - Design solution¶
Scenarios Exercise¶
click here to download my file
Wire management device can carry up to 18 wire it can be stick to table due to the fabric material underneath. Made out of plastic which is flexible to ensure that you can the wire in place with ease.
Sun-plant pot¶
click here to download my file
Portable flower pot that can be easily hang to curtans.
design principle¶
Today we have discussed the concept of design principles. I noticed three object around me and I commented regarding their design principle Three object and say what design principle apply to them.
Analogous colors: 2 side color (yellow-green)
Repetition: the way of connecting to each other follow the same pattern
Hierarchy: As the structure is being build an elevation happens
Unity: many parts to form structure
Balance: Symmetrical balance
Proportion: The fire design there is two diffrent size that gives depth illusion
Color contrast: Red (Fire) vs Blue (Ice)
Shapes: the main frame consist of 2 similar size circules, 1 smaller circle between them in a triangle shape and connected by lines.
Symetrical Balance: exactly similar halves
Emphasis: The tire-ring colored yellow (pop-uo) while the rest of the parts is black neutral)
Proportion: Circle in diffrent sizes to for ring, tire and screws.
Pattern: the rubber-tire have pattern for stability
Movement: the patter is like an arrow directional which gives illusion of movement.