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Final Project: AgroLink ๐ŸŒฟ

The name “AgroLink” reflects our vision of linking agriculture and technology to create a sustainable, interconnected home ecosystem. The project emerged from our desire to blend natural elementsโ€”like plants, water, and sunlightโ€”with modern technology. This connection, or “link,” between traditional agricultural practices and IoT-based smart systems became the foundation of AgroLink, a system designed to empower homeowners and gardeners with innovative tools to care for their plants.

AgroLink aims to optimize home gardening through smart technology. The goal is to enhance sustainability in home environments by efficiently managing resources like water, light, and energy while automating plant care. Our system monitors and responds to environmental changes, ensuring plants thrive while minimizing waste. AgroLink is designed to make indoor gardening easier, smarter, and more eco-friendly by reducing manual intervention and improving resource use.

Target Audience ๐ŸŽฏ

The target audience for AgroLink includes:

  • Homeowners passionate about indoor gardening and smart home solutions.
  • Environmentally-conscious individuals who want to reduce waste, conserve water, and use sustainable energy sources.
  • Urban gardeners who have limited outdoor space but still want a thriving indoor garden.
  • Smart home enthusiasts who are interested in integrating agriculture with technology for a greener living environment.

How the System Works ๐Ÿ”ง

AgroLink is an automated indoor plant care system that uses sensors and IoT to monitor and control environmental conditions. Hereโ€™s how it functions:

  1. Sensor Integration:

    • Proximity Sensor: Detects when a bird is near the smart bird sink and triggers the water pump to fill the sink for bathing or drinking. Once the bird finishes, the water is recycled to irrigate plants.
    • Soil Moisture Sensor: Measures the moisture level in the soil to determine if the plants need watering. When the soil is dry, the system automatically waters the plants.
    • Water Level Sensor: Ensures the water level in the bird sink or the plant’s water supply is adequate. If the water is too low, the system will prevent over-draining or trigger a refill.
    • Light Intensity Sensor: Monitors the amount of light the plants receive, helping optimize indoor lighting to mimic ideal growing conditions for different plant species.
  2. Data Processing:

    • Initially, we planned to use ThingSpeak to process and visualize data, but due to system integration challenges, we switched to Blynk. Blynk allows for seamless real-time monitoring and control, with data from the sensors displayed in a user-friendly mobile app interface.
  3. Smart Water Management:

    • Micro Servo Motor: Controls a 3D-printed valve that regulates the flow of water to the plants. When the soil moisture sensor detects dryness, the servo adjusts the valve to release water.
    • Water Pump: Used to pump fresh water into the bird sink for the birds to drink and bathe. After use, the water flows via gravity to the plants for irrigation, managed by the other sensors that trigger actions (e.g., when the soil moisture is low, water will be directed to the plants).
  4. Energy Efficiency:

    • While we initially planned an outdoor system powered by solar panels, time constraints led us to focus solely on an indoor solution. The indoor system is powered via the electrical grid, but future versions could incorporate renewable energy sources.
  5. Automated Actions:

    • Instead of sending custom alerts, AgroLinkโ€™s sensors directly trigger actions. For example, when the soil moisture is low, the system automatically waters the plants. When a bird is detected, water is pumped into the bird sink and later reused for plant irrigation.

Key Features ๐ŸŒŸ

  • Automated Indoor Watering: Soil moisture sensors ensure plants are watered only when needed, conserving water and reducing the need for manual intervention.

  • Recycled Water System: The water used in the bird sink is repurposed for irrigating plants, promoting sustainability.

  • Smart Light Monitoring: The light intensity sensor ensures plants receive optimal light levels for healthy growth.

  • IoT Integration with Blynk: Users can monitor the system’s performance and sensor data in real-time through the Blynk app.

  • 3D-Printed Valve Control: The micro servo motor controls a custom 3D-printed valve to regulate water flow precisely.

Potential Challenges and Solutions ๐Ÿงฉ

  • Challenge: Sensor Calibration

    • Solution: Regular calibration of soil moisture and light sensors will ensure accurate measurements. Testing under different conditions will refine the systemโ€™s responses.
  • Challenge: Water Recycling Efficiency

    • Solution: Ensure that the proximity sensor accurately detects when birds are using the sink to avoid premature water recycling. Adjusting sensor sensitivity can help fine-tune the timing of water collection.
  • Challenge: Energy Consumption

    • Solution: While solar panels were initially planned for outdoor use, optimizing indoor energy consumption by using energy-efficient components will reduce the system’s overall power usage.
  • Challenge: Servo Valve Durability

    • Solution: The 3D-printed valve controlled by the servo motor may wear out over time. We plan to test different materials and designs to ensure long-term durability and reliability.

List of Materials ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Hereโ€™s an organized table of materials for AgroLink featuring the category, item, description, and model:

Category Item Description Model
Sensors Water Level Sensor Measures the water level in the bird sink or plant water supply Water Level Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor Detects soil moisture levels to control plant watering Capacitive Sensor v1.2
Proximity Sensor Detects birds near the bird sink to trigger water flow Adafruit APDS9960
Light Intensity Sensor Monitors light levels to ensure optimal plant growth LDR Module
Temperature/Humidity Sensor Measures temperature and humidity inside the indoor system DHT11
Air Quality Sensor Monitors air quality and pollution levels in the indoor environment MQ-135
Microcontrollers Arduino Uno Main controller for sensor data and system automation Arduino Uno Rev3
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 WiFi-enabled microcontroller for data readings and wireless transmission Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Water Management Micro Servo Motor Controls the 3D-printed valve to regulate water flow SG90 Servo
Water Pump Pumps fresh water into the bird sink; water flows to plants via gravity Mini Submersible Pump
Relay Module Opens and closes the pump to control water flow 5V Relay Module
Hoses and Valves Tubing for water distribution to plants PVC Hoses
Power Supply Power Adapters Main power source for the indoor system 12V DC Adapter
App & Platform Blynk Platform Real-time monitoring and control of the system via mobile app Blynk IoT
Miscellaneous Tubing Water pipes for distribution and recycling Silicon Tubing
Connectors and Wires Connections for sensors and power Standard Jumper Wires
Breadboard Used for connecting the sensors and components Half-size Breadboard
Water Containers Used for fresh and recycled water storage Plastic Containers

This table offers a comprehensive breakdown of the materials used in the AgroLink project, making it easier for viewers to understand each component’s purpose and model.

Why the Project Was Divided into Two Parts:

We decided to divide the project into two parts to enhance the system’s efficiency and reliability:

  1. Data Readings & Monitoring (Arduino MKR WiFi 1010):

This part is responsible for gathering real-time data from the sensors and transmitting it wirelessly to the Blynk app. The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 was chosen because of its built-in WiFi capabilities, which enable smooth wireless communication. It allows the system to relay information such as water level, soil moisture, light intensity, temperature, humidity, and air quality directly to the user’s phone. By using this microcontroller, we ensure the data is accessible remotely and provides real-time insights into the environmental conditions.

  1. System Actions (Arduino Uno):

The second part of the system is dedicated to performing actions based on the sensor readings. This includes triggering the water pump through the relay module, controlling the 3D-printed valve with the servo motor, and managing the watering process for plants. The Arduino Uno was chosen for this role because it is a robust and reliable board for handling simple automation tasks. By separating the action control from the data transmission, we ensure that the system operates smoothly, reducing the risk of delays or miscommunication between processes.

This division not only optimizes the performance but also ensures that the system can function effectively, even if one part experiences issues. The Arduino Uno focuses solely on taking action based on pre-programmed logic, while the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 handles the complexity of wireless data transfer and real-time monitoring.

AgroLink aims to revolutionize home gardening with smart automation and sustainability. By using IoT and sensor technology, we create a system that reduces waste, saves energy, and simplifies plant care. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine this innovative project! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ก

Last update: September 16, 2024