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Sensors Overview: Purpose, Advantages, and Limitations

The AgroLink system relies on a variety of sensors to monitor environmental conditions and optimize resource usage. Below is a description of each sensor used, its purpose in the system, along with its advantages and limitations.

1. Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT11)

  • Purpose: The DHT11 measures both the temperature and humidity in the indoor environment, providing crucial data for monitoring air conditions that affect plant growth and bird welfare.

  • Advantages:

    • Low cost and simple to use.
    • Provides accurate data for basic temperature and humidity readings.
    • Useful for basic environmental control in smart homes.
  • Limitations:

    • Less accurate compared to higher-end sensors like DHT22.
    • Slow response time and limited to a lower range of temperatures and humidity.

Integration with System:

The DHT11 sensor is connected to the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 to collect environmental data. This data is sent to the Blynk app, allowing users to monitor conditions and adjust settings, such as turning on/off fans or humidifiers to maintain optimal levels.

2. Soil Moisture Sensor (Capacitive Sensor v1.2)

  • Purpose: This sensor measures the moisture levels in the soil. Based on this data, it ensures that plants are watered only when needed, preventing overwatering or underwatering.

  • Advantages:

    • More reliable than resistive moisture sensors due to less corrosion over time.
    • Low power consumption.
    • Easy to install and maintain.
    • Limitations:

    • Limited accuracy in saline or extremely dry soils.

    • Needs careful placement to ensure proper readings across the garden.

Integration with System:

The soil moisture sensor is connected to the Arduino Uno to control the water valve via the servo motor. When soil moisture falls below a set threshold, the system will trigger the servo to open the valve and irrigate the plants. The sensor’s data is also sent to the Blynk app, where users can manually override or automate irrigation scheduling based on real-time data.

3. Water Level Sensor

  • Purpose: The water level sensor monitors the level of water in the bird sink to ensure that there is enough water for the birds to bathe and drink, while also preventing overflow.

  • Advantages:

    • Simple to install and low cost.
    • Provides precise water level detection to ensure water conservation.
  • Limitations:

    • Limited accuracy at very low water levels.
    • Cannot detect the quality or cleanliness of the water.

Integration with System:

The water level sensor works with the Arduino Uno to control when the water pump should be turned on. When the water level is too low, the sensor sends a signal to the relay module, which then activates the water pump to refill the bird sink. It ensures the system maintains the proper water levels and sends notifications to the Blynk app.

4. Proximity Sensor (Adafruit APDS9960)

  • Purpose: This sensor detects when birds are near or using the bird sink, helping to control the water flow and preventing wastage. It ensures that the pump is only activated when necessary.

  • Advantages:

    • Low power consumption and simple setup.
    • Can detect not only proximity but also gesture control if needed.
    • Reliable detection range.
  • Limitations:

    • Limited detection range (typically less than 10 cm).
    • Susceptible to interference from surrounding light.

Integration with System:

The proximity sensor connects to the Arduino Uno, detecting when a bird approaches the sink. It prevents the water flow while the bird is present and only triggers water recycling after the bird leaves. This ensures no disruption to the bird’s bathing and saves water.

5. Light Intensity Sensor (LDR Module)

  • Purpose: The light sensor measures ambient light intensity, providing important data for understanding the conditions in which the plants grow and the birds bathe.

  • Advantages:

    • Simple and cost-effective.
    • Useful for daylight-dependent systems and optimizing plant growth conditions.
  • Limitations:

    • Can be affected by artificial lighting.
    • Limited precision compared to digital light sensors.

Integration with System:

The LDR module works by detecting the light intensity and reporting it to the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010. This data is sent to the Blynk app, where users can monitor light levels and decide whether to adjust curtains, lighting, or the system environment for optimal growth.

6. Air Quality Sensor

  • Purpose: The air quality sensor monitors the levels of pollutants in the environment, helping ensure the indoor air is safe for both the plants and any animals in the system. It provides readings on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and CO2 levels.

  • Advantages:

    • Detects a wide range of pollutants and harmful gases.
    • Ideal for improving air quality in enclosed environments.
    • Helps maintain a healthy atmosphere for plants and animals.
  • Limitations:

    • Sensitive to humidity changes, which can affect readings.
    • May need regular calibration for accurate measurements.

Integration with System:

The air quality sensor is connected to the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, continuously monitoring air quality levels and sending this data to the Blynk app. Based on the readings, users can take action, such as improving ventilation or turning on air purifiers, ensuring that the indoor environment is optimal for plants and birds. Additionally, if the sensor detects harmful levels of pollutants, the system can alert the user in real time via the app, allowing immediate action.

The AgroLink system is divided into two core parts:

  1. Data Collection (Arduino MKR WiFi 1010):

    • All environmental sensors (DHT11, LDR, etc.) are connected to the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, which is responsible for collecting real-time data. This data is then transmitted to the Blynk app, where users can view current conditions, track historical data, and receive notifications.
  2. Action Execution (Arduino Uno):

    • The Arduino Uno controls the actuators like the water pump, relay module, and servo motor. Based on input from the proximity, water level, and soil moisture sensors, it decides when to open the water valve, refill the bird sink, or activate other functions in the system.

How Sensor Data Helps the User Take Action

By utilizing data from the sensors, the Blynk app allows users to make informed decisions about maintaining optimal environmental conditions. Here’s how sensor data contributes:

  • Temperature & Humidity Data: Users can adjust settings in the house or garden, such as turning on fans or mist systems, to optimize plant growth.
  • Soil Moisture Data: Automatically controls the irrigation system or allows the user to manually water plants when necessary.
  • Water Level Data: Ensures that the bird sink remains filled without overflowing and alerts users when water needs to be added.
  • Proximity Data: Prevents water wastage by controlling the pump based on bird activity.
  • Light Intensity Data: Helps users control lighting conditions for optimal plant growth or bird activity.
  • Air Quality Data: Monitors pollutant levels and alerts the user if the air quality drops, prompting actions like improving ventilation or adjusting air filtration systems. This ensures a healthy environment for both plants and birds.

The integration of sensors with both data and action systems ensures that users can interact seamlessly with their environment, automating many processes while still retaining manual control through the app. This approach makes the home not just sustainable, but also smart, enabling efficient resource usage with minimal user intervention.

This sensor system, with its ability to gather accurate data and make timely decisions, ensures a sustainable, efficient home environment for both plants and birds, while giving users the ability to track and adjust the system as necessary.

Last update: September 16, 2024