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5. 3D printing and scanning

During this week we learned to design, configure, print and scan 3d models. During our group work, we did some test prints and learned all about 3D Printers, you can find the documentation here Group Assignment - 3D printing and scanning


Kinect Scanning

The Microsoft Kinect was originally launched at an accessory to the popular Xbox 360 gaming console, however it quickly became a favored tool by developers because it can easily and quickly 3D Scan and track humans. One of it’s popular applications is also for 3D Scanning, which we will be doing today. The app we will use is called Skanect. We each took turns scanning each other, here were there steps I took.

Under Prepare, select New and Body

After clicking Start, we can see a preview of the Kinect can see

Once I started the scan, the person has to turn around slowly to get an accurate capture

Here is the preview, looks good, but we have an issue! The top of the model’s head is missing

Under the Process menu, we can use the “Fill Holes” feature to fill in that gap

We can also Colorize the model, to see how it looks, but for 3D Printing this is not necessary

The final step is to export it as an STL which any slicer

3D Scan - Ahmed

Phone+LIDAR Scanning

We can achieve similar results using a phone’s camera and preferably if the phone supports it, LIDAR.

Let’s use Scaniverse for this, there are many other options available too.

We will tap on New Scan

I selected Small Object, as I wanted to scan my Mouse

We need to revolve around the mouse until all the red parts are gone

Next we can save the draft

Once we are ready, we can come back to it from the main page

I selected “Detail” Mode for the processing

We can do a quick preview on the model and move around to see if everything was scanned

I redid the scan a few times, and this was the best result

Lastly, we can export it in stl mode

3D Scan - Mouse


Next we will print a few STL models. STL Files are the most common format for 3D Printable models, they are loaded into Slicer apps which would then prepare the model for 3D printing. Users can then modify things before the file is sent to the printer as GCODE, the common language that printers understand.

Chess Set Print

I started out by printing one of my existing models. I created the full set of chess pieces, but for the sake of print time, I only printed the King, Queen and Rook.

The software automatically generated supports for the print, but I decided to go ahead and try to print it without as most of the shape doesn’t require it.

Sadly, I had a minor issue with part of the print that we will correct later.

here is the final result

Looks great! To fix the issue of the loose filament, I used a clipper to trim it off.

Here is how this issue can be avoided 1- I can either lessen the sharpness of the top curves so that it can be a model that can be printed without supports. 2- Alternative I can just use Tree Supports.

3D King - Assignment Project File 3D Queen - Assignment Project File 3D Rook - Assignment Project File

Functional Print

I wanted to make an additional model from scratch, to learn how to use moving parts, after learning from tutorials, here is the process I ended up with to create a box with a sliding lid.

We will start with a box

Next we will use the “Shell” tool, and I left a few MM on the inside of the shell

After that I created a component and a sketch on the front face, and then drew one side of the opening. Next I put a construction line in the middle, and used the Mirror tool. I also used an offset of -0.25mm for the lid to be able to move in and out freely.

Next, I used Extrude, and selected the back face as the “To Object” so the lid would reach that part.

I wanted to add a small notch that can be used to pull or push the lid on. So a simple Arc shape, extrude with an offset worked nicely.

Next, I made another sketch on the front face and added the text “Fablab”

A simple Extrude using the Cut operation should give a nice text emboss of around 1mm.

Let’s print it

3D Box - Assignment Project File 3D Lid - Assignment Project File

The lid slides nicely in and out, however I think the clearance can be reduced to 0.2 for a more tight fit.

Last update: May 31, 2024