1. Week 1 (Project management)¶
Hi, I created this post to document what I learned in the first session of the online training program. I was able to create a folder on my laptop containing all my information and work uploaded to GitLab. First step, I downloaded Git.
GitLab is an integrated software development platform that offers a wide range of tools covering the entire software development life cycle, from planning and coding to testing and deployment.
After that, I accessed my page on GitLab through the link in this email and I logged into my account
Then I clicked on clone and copied the link below “Clone with HTTPS”
Then we click on the link provided
Then it will take us to the fablabbh (Fab Academy) page.
We begin by changing and modifying the page with our name and the things that represent me in About Me. We change the name and then add other information, for example, how old I am, what my specialty is, what my hobbies are, and other identifying information.
Here we have changed the name to our name (Ammar Mansoor) and then we will begin writing an overview of ourselves in (ِAbout)
After completing (About) and here we just write about myself, we move to Assignments, which is dedicated to explaining what we did in the weeks, for example week 1, 2, 3 and so on.
Git bash¶
gitBash is one of a group of command-line programs designed to execute on a Unix-style command-line environment. This program will help me facilitate the process of transferring data without having to open my page via tab, to do that we have some steps:
First I copy the HTTPS link from my profile in gitlab.
After that on desktop I write click and I chose gitbash here.
In command page I write git clone and I put the URL link.
I put my email and password that I used for gitlab fabcloud
I configured my Git username and email globally by using the following commands:
git config –global user.name “Your Name”
git config –global user.email “Your Email”
How to upload modified data to the page¶ To upload the modified data I use ctral and s to save my work after that I select source control and write any commands then I click Commit then Sync Changes:
Try having a seperator line
ID | First Name | Last Name |
235312 | John | Doe |
453123 | Mark | Jones |
998332 | Jonathan | Smith |
345612 | Andrew | McArthur |
453123 | Adam | Fuller |