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1. Making a website

In this week we started the program by creating a website for our self so it can track our progress in the program ,We start by dawnloading the apps we meed for the website

then I tride to edit some text

after that I went to cheek if my changes did aplly or not

I face some problem with adding some picture the website was not responding then I found that the internet connection

was lost after I reconnect to the internet the picture was added to the website

After that i wanted to change the theme of my website

I went to do the change , I change the the code to RED

after that I Push the command

then I went to see the change


In this task we started to learn how we can search fot the topic that we want to creat an idea about our project.

First I went to google and write “google scholar”

After that I write in the engien (“iot”AND”Interactive play”) and the word (AND) must be latter case where it #provide you with more indepth result

then I started looking for the abstract that is more relateable to our topic that we are looking for and we try to #collect as much abstract as we can and we see the key words for these abstract

Last update: July 9, 2024