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Week 01: Project Management

This week, I learned how to effectively manage my project by setting clear objectives and developing innovative ideas. I also explored identifying key features of the project, organizing tasks, and prioritizing goals to ensure successful execution.

Day 01 : Git Lab Basics

Have learned the fundamentals of GitLab, including how to create repositories and commit changes. Additionally, I have explored its features, files and pipelines.

↪ How to access your files?

In Gitlab website, a project will be displayed under your name, containing several files organized within it.
Each of these files has a specific purpose. For example, the mkdocs.yml file is used for designing your theme, while the other files are related to the project’s setup and installation.
Inside the docs folder, you’ll find several subfolders, each containing specific files. The about, assignments, and projects folders correspond to the sections that appear in the website’s navigation bar. The images folder stores all the images used on the website, while functions as the homepage.

To access the website link, go to “Deploy” and then select “Page”.
Click on the provided link to open the website.

↪ How to track the history?

To track the history link, go to “Build” and then select “Pipelines”.
You will see all the changes made by anyone who edits the website.

↪ How to code online?

Simply go to “Edit” and then select “Web IDE”.

↪ How to add an image?

External photos are not reliable because they can be deleted by the owner. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to add an image directly into Git to ensure it remains accessible. To add an image, start by uploading it to your image folder. Next, click the plus sign, select “Upload File”, and choose the image.

Note: You can also create folder within the folder to keep everything organized.

The code used to add an image could be as below:


↪ Why we compress images? How to compress?

Compressing images is important because smaller file sizes (less than 1 MB) ensure faster download times and better performance.

You can use various tools to compress your images. If you’re unfamiliar with image editing, you can easily use an online tool like I❤️Img.This app allows you to resize, compress, and edit your photos effortlessly.

↪ How to change the theme?

Open the mkdocs.yml file, and you will see the following. Try replacing the “Your name” placeholders with your actual name.

↝ Change Theme Color

By visiting Theme Color Link, you’ll find a variety of color options. Choose the color you prefer. To test the “Primary Color”, check the theme color above, and to test the “Accent Color”, hover over a link. Add the colors you selected to the mkdocs.yml file as follows:

    primary: ThemeColor
    accent: HoverOverLink

As example: Note: The link leads to the website that provides the color codes and options.

↝ Change Theme Font

By visiting Theme Font Link, You can type anything to preview the font, then select and copy it. Add the font you selected to the mkdocs.yml file as follows:

    text: "FontName"
    code: "FontName"

As example:

Note: The link leads to the website that provides all the fonts.

Visit Material Symbols & Icons to browse available logos. Select the desired icon name and insert it into the appropriate section in your configuration.

↝ Change Theme Icon

Save an image in the images folder, then proceed as follows:

  favicon: images/ImageName.png

Day 02 : Work Locally

This day, we focused on two applications: Git Bash and Visual Studio Code. The goal was to work locally on our devices, and then push the changes to Git!

↪ How to use Git Bash?

  • Select a directory on your PC to set the clone folder, then right-click and choose “Open Git Bash”.

  • From GitLab, Copy the HTTPS link.

  • Inside Git Bash Terminal, write the command below with the link you copied, to get the clone of your folder locally. An error will appear indicating that your account is not linked, followed by a window prompting you to sign in.
$ git clone URL

  • Sign in using your GitLab account and password. If an error appears again, you may need to reset your password.

  • This is the success message.

  • Use the command below to enter the clone folder.


  • Set your Git username and email globally by using the command below.
git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global ""

↪ How to set up Visual Studio Code?

Go to Settings, then select Extensions or press Ctrl+Shift+X and download these two extensions.

Code Spell Checker will alert you to any spelling mistakes.

Markdown Preview Enhanced provides a preview in Visual Studio Code when you press Ctrl+Shift+V.

Open your clone folder in Visual Studio Code.

☆ Important Notes When Using Visual Studio Code

  • Remember to save your work after every change to avoid losing any progress.
  • Always synchronize your files to prevent losing them if you switch devices.
  • Avoid committing without a message; not including a comment will result in an error when you attempt to commit.

Day 03 : Design Thinking

Design thinking is a non-linear flexible process that teams use to understand users, rethink problems, and create innovative solutions through testing and prototyping.

↪ Problem Statement

Who? Teachers and employees
What? Need an urgent document printed
When? During unexpected, urgent situations
Why? To make life easier and stress-free for everyone

↪ Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Unique A small laser printer that can print on different paper sizes, offering great flexibility
Value Provides fast, high-quality prints that work well for both home and office use
Proposition The perfect printer that saves space and meets all your printing needs in one machine.

Day 04 : Engineering Design Process

Also known as The Engineering Method is a common series of steps that engineers use in creating functional products and processes.

In engineering design, a Function-Means Tree is a method used for breaking down functions and generating concepts. At the top level, the main functions are identified, and underneath each function, a corresponding solution (means) is added. Alternative solutions can also be included.


Keywords Meanings
Version Control Protocol The practice of tracking and managing changes to software code
IDE Stands for Integrated Development Environment, which is a software application that helps programmers develop software code efficiently
md Stands for Markdown Documentation, markdown is the mark-up language that .md files use, it's easy to read and write
cd Stands for Change directory, which allows you to move between directories
Clone A browser extension to clone any GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repository in Visual Studio Code with just one click
Commit Provides the Git commit history of the specified file
Pull Get all updated code from remote branch into your local branch
Push Where you can store them as backups or share your code with others
Stage the changes that you have decided to commit

Last update: November 28, 2024