4. Embedded programming¶
This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.
This week we were introduced to embeded programming. Embeded systems leverage printed circuit boards (PCBs) programmed with software that guides the hardware on operation and data management using memory and input/output communication interfaces. The result is the terminal production of output that is of value to the end user.
We were given a mircocontroller fro each group and were asked to research about the controller. The mircocontroller that we got was Arduino MKR 1010 WIFI. The results as the following:
We then downloaded Arduino IDE software Arduiono IDE contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.
After downloading the software each student got his own PCB which was MKR 1010 Wifi in which each student should change the timing of the blinking of the device:
Click on Select Board option
Chose Arduino MKR 1010 Wifi COM4
An install message will appear click on yesv
Click on File > Example > Basics > Blink
Example code will appear and on the right there are comments written in grey
In the frist line change the number from 1000 to 2000
In the second keep the number 1000
Copy both code lines and paste them below
Change the codes that are pasted > frist line 500 > second line 3000
Click on upload
Blinking on the device changed
Below is a video link that shows how the blinking happens:
MU Softwarer
MU software is a Python code editor for beginner programmers to create codes. Each student was given a circuit board and mine was Feather Bluefruit Sense.
We used morse code translator to transalate our names to dots or dash ( . / -) in which the dot represents 1 second light on and the dash represents 2 seconds light on. The gap between dots and dashed indicates 0.5 second light off whereas the gap between the letters indicates 3 seconds light off.
After translating our names we used the output and inserted it in Arduiono and replaced the numbers with dots and dashes.
Below is a video link that shows how the blinking happens: