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2. Computer Aided design

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started learning how to design in 2D and 3D using multiple softwares

Softwares used to design in 2D: - Cuttle - Fusion 360

Softwares used to design in 3D: - TinkerCAD - Fusion 360

3D design


tinkerCAD is a software that can be used to create 3D designs, circuits, and code blocks, it is a very easy software to design with because of its simplicity, all we need to do is drag shapes and modify them accordingly

this is how the workshop looks like

there are many shapes to choose, from basic shapes to complex, with tons of variety. this is a test design that was created in the software

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a software that is primarily used for industrial design, unlike TinkerCAD, it has a complex way of design that allows more freedom for the designer’s imagination to shine. Also, it can be used for 2D design as well

it uses the principle of designing from three planes, which allows for more complex design options this is how the workshop look like

we begin by clicking at new sketch, and then we can choose the plane we want to work with

after choosing the plane, now we can put shapes like rectangle or circle, and define their size

advanced features like extrude, revolve, and modifications like shell, combine, fillet can be used to apply thickness to the shape, remove thickness from a place, and various modifictions to provide a more sophisticated design

example: extrude feature was used to add thickness to the rectangle

This is a test design that was created using the software

Click here to download

2D Design


Cuttle is a software that allows us to create scalable and detailed illustrations that maintain quality at any size.

we start by creating a new project

and then we proceed to add a new component, now we can start designing.

we can drag shapes like a circle or rectangle into the page, and then we can start changing things in them like their size, color, position, etc.

example below:

<div align="center">
    <img src="../images/week02/image1b.png" alt="">

there are advanced features we can use that allow us to create more sophisticated designs such as repeat actions, boolean actions, etc.

example: rotational repeat

original image

rotational repeat

they can even be stacked with each other to create a better design

this is a test design that was built using the design features available.

Click here to download

Last update: September 14, 2024