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4. Embedded programming

This session we started learning about 3D modeling and 3D printing. We were taught the difference in materials when it comes to 3D printnig and the types of machines that are available to us in the workshop. As mentioned in the previous sessions that the classes were divided into two groups. Within our group they divided us again for our group assignment of the week, I was partnered with one of my classmates. The assignment for the week was to find a 3D model from the website Thingiverse and 3D print it using the ultimaker machine. The other group used Creality.

The Difference Between The Machines

The major differece between the machines is that Ultimaker thats a longer time to print. For example if the ultimaker would take 6 hours to print something, creality will take half the time to print the same thing. We also did a printng test and creality’s results were smoother around the curved edges and the supports are more durable. As the machine prints the object, it prints out supports in the empty spaces. While we had our printing test, it was observed that creality supports are easier to remove then ulitimaker. Ultimaker printing is very adequte but the machine breaks down easily and the printing is not as smooth.

My teammate and i were assigned Ultimaker, we selected a design from thingiverse which was a small toy dinosour, we were asked to download pursa G code. It is a software that is used to manage and export 3D designs into. After installinh the application on our own personal laptops, we inserted the dinosour that we used into the application. But before printing there were steps that needed to be done in order to print the object.


1) Download Pursa G code

2) Insert the stl file into the software

3) Edit printing settings

4) Add Ulitmaker machine so the platform shown in the software is the same as the machine

5) Change the first layer and other layers temperature. first layer is 220 degrees while other layers printing temperature is 60

6)Nozzle size should be 0.2mm

7) Add supports

8) Slice Now

9) Export G-code

Then we copy that code onto a flash and place it in the ultimaker machine. We rotate the handle and select that file, then press continue. The machine will start working immediatley.

We experienced an error due to the nozzle being too hot, the original temperature before our final edits were 240, we lowered them to 220 and the machine started working better.

In the next session we had to work on our own 3D design, would be whatever we want, and we would 3D print them the following class. For my assignment i wanted to create and model a sculpture. Before reaching that final idea, ive designed a model paper plane, and a cat water bowl as seen in the images below, Yet i was not satisfied due to its simplicity. I wanted to challanhe myself and create something that represents me and my art. Ive decided to create a sculpture that mirrors one of my paints. I always like to challenge myself when it comes to my art, and from that painting i modeled it out of clay and i modeled the 3D design based off of the two.


1) I created a form on fusion 360

2) I exctruted and pulled the form from the modifying tool in the tool bar above

3) Within the same form i designed every piece of the form separelty

4) The seperate pieces were as followed: Body, neck, face, hair

5) After finishing the form shaping, i created multiple sketches for the eyes and mouth and extruded them to give them some definition

6) When every part of the design has been completed, i merged every piece together in the way i thought looked the best

7) Export file to STL

Ive attached a youtube video below that i found really helpful, that is how i managed to edit athe form freely

The following session we had to 3D print our models, we divided the class into two machines, and we had to group three models into one 3d printer, we scaled them to our personal prefrences, edited the printer settings as the settings mentioned above, sliced then exported the file into G code. Group one used creality and Our group used original Prusa. We encounted an error within pur machine more than once. The first time the nozzle was not hot enough, the second error was that the nozzle got blocked so our designs were rescaled and printed on creality.

The following session we got to see our 3D models, i was extremely happy with the results of the 3D it looked even better than i imagnined and now i know my errors to make a better outcome for the final project. This session we are going to learn more about 3D scanning. We were asked to download an app called scaniverse. This app takes multiple images of an object and creates a 360 3D image of whatever object youre scanning. We select the mesh option in the app and the highest quality while exporting the image in order to get the best result. Then we save the file as an stl and we link it to our website. We had to make sure that the lighting was adequete enough and that the object stands still while we move around it in a slow pace.

Then we started our next task of the day where we took turns laser scanning our classmates through an xbox 360 connect linked to a mac computer in a software called skanect. We had to sit in a chair and rotate in a 360 circle while the camera took images of us and turned our upper model into a 3D model that we exported to a STL file. Skanect takes themral images of you while also sensing our surroundings within a built in frame in the software, it will scan whatevers in that parimeter. each of us took turns to scan one another. It was an entertaining class.

The following week we will be learning how to laser cut and use the cnc machine.

- - Google - Markdown

Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second


click to download my car model


From Vimeo

Sound Waves from George Gally (Radarboy) on Vimeo.

From Youtube

3D Models

Last update: May 20, 2024