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4. Computer Controlled Cutting

Week 4 at the Fablab was dedicated to mastering laser cutting, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Here are the steps we followed:

  1. We started with a safety briefing to ensure everyone understood how to handle the laser cutter properly.

  2. Before diving into our main project, we created combs to test the joints and see how they fit together. This preliminary step was crucial for understanding the precision of our cuts.

  3. We assigned different roles to each team member to test the machine. One person focused on adjusting the speed, another on setting the power, and others on managing additional parameters.

  4. We all contributed to choosing a single design to practice with, ensuring a cohesive approach.

  5. We worked together on the chosen design, refining our technical skills and understanding the machine’s capabilities.

For my personal project, I designed and created a box for coloring pencils using the laser cutter. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. I started by sketching the dimensions and features of the box.

  2. I translated these sketches into a digital design, ensuring every detail was accounted for.

  1. I tested the joints with combs to ensure a perfect fit before proceeding with the final cuts.

  2. Using the laser cutter, I precisely cut each component of the box.

  3. I carefully assembled the pieces, resulting in a sleek, custom-designed box that keeps my coloring pencils organized.

We also focused on learning the intricacies of vinyl cutting. Here are the steps we followed:

  1. We began by exploring the different types of vinyl and their applications, understanding which vinyl is best for various projects.

  2. We had hands-on training with the vinyl cutter, which involved setting up the machine, selecting the right blade depth, and adjusting the cutting speed for different types of vinyl.

  3. For my personal project, I designed and cut a dinosaur and a series of stars. This process included creating digital designs, precisely cutting them out, and then carefully applying the vinyl to the chosen surfaces.

Last update: July 14, 2024