About me¶
Hi! I’m Faris and I’m a Mechanical Engineering fresh graduate
Visit my Linkedin to see my work!
My background¶
I was raised in Isa Town, then at 9 years old moved to Jeblat Hebshi, which both shaped part of my character and outlook on life. I used to play outside a lot as a kid. I studied in Abdulrahman Kanoo International School, then pursued Mechanical Engineering in the University of Bahrain.
Previous work¶
I have done multiple design projects, two of which involved prototyping (projects A & E below), and one of them involved manufacturing (project D).
Project A (Automated Rush Coat Device & Prototype (3D printed))¶
Project B (Two-Stage Compound Reverted Gear (Spur Gears) Train Gearbox Design)¶
Project C (Design and Analysis of steering knuckle of an automotive vehicle)¶
Project D (Design and manufacturing of laboratory setup for condition monitoring of shaft misalignment)¶
Project E (Arduino based parking system)¶
Last update:
March 2, 2025