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1. Project management

This week was mainly introductory, we learned how to edit Markdown files using Gitlab, and we were asked to create a “Home” page, an “About” page, and finally, make a “Week 1” page to showcase how we’re going to manage our project.

What is Gitlab?

GitLab is a tool for managing code, organizing projects, and tracking changes. It lets you store different types of files, collaborate with others, and automate workflows. You can use it online or host it yourself for more control.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a simple way to format text using plain characters like # for headings and * for bullet points. It’s easy to read as plain text but can be converted into styled documents like web pages or PDFs. It’s commonly used for documentation, notes, and readme files.

What is Mkdocs?

MkDocs is a static site generator designed specifically for creating project documentation using Markdown. It is written in Python and allows developers to easily build and deploy clean, structured, and searchable documentation websites. With MkDocs, you write your content in simple Markdown files, organize them in a directory, and generate a fully functional HTML site with a single command. It supports themes, plugins, and integrations like GitHub Pages for quick deployment. MkDocs is lightweight, fast, and widely used for open-source and technical documentation.

What is the difference between image dimensions (measured in pixels) and size (Measured in kilobytes). How do you change each of them?

Image dimensions (measured in pixels) refer to the width and height of an image, determining its resolution and clarity. Image size (measured in kilobytes or megabytes) refers to the file size, which depends on dimensions, format, and compression.

Editing my homepage on Gitlab

Editing my About page on Gitlab

I uploaded all types of projects I’ve done before in my “About” page.

Uploading images to websites

You save the desired image in a folder within your repository, and then, wherever the website’s code file (in .md format) is saved in relation to the image, you’ll write the code accordingly. For example, look at the repository below: I’m editing the “week01 . md” code, and I want to upload the image “AboutMePageEditing.png” in it. I should basically write the code this way: This will make the image “AboutMePageEditing” get uploaded in my week01 Markdown file (in my webpage).

Writing Headings in websites

Include two hashtags before it.

Cloning our Gitlab website into Visual Studio code

You basically load your repository on Gitlab, then click on “code” then click on Visual Studio Code (HTTPS). Then your Visual Studio Code application will load, and you’ll be asked to enter your Gitlab user and password, or create a timed token from within the Gitlab website that allows you to sign in without a password.

Utilizing the Visual Studio Code environment

When you load your repository in Visual Studio Code, make sure you click ctrl k + v (not ctrl k + ctrl v i.e. first click ctrl k then click only v) to load your preview tab, which helps you to view the page you’re working with, and see the changes in real time. Also, make sure you load your terminal, by clicking the icon in the top right corner, second one from the left. Once you have the terminal open, make sure you write the following statements: I’ve written my name and email, make sure you write yours ;). These statements make it clear that each time you commit a change, it gets uploaded with your name, not somebody else’s. This helps in group projects.

Comitting on Visual Studio Code

After making any changes, similarly to how you “push” on Gitlab, you “commit” on Visual Studio Code. But before that, make sure you hit the plues sign next to each change in the Source Control tab (stage changes). Also, make sure you write a “message” for every change you make, this message is like a comment on your change. If you don’t write it, the commit will keep loading and your commit won’t be uploaded.

Checking the status of your branch

Brainstorming to come up with a project idea

So, in Day 2, we were asked to come up with an idea for our final project, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be considered as our official final project idea. So, I opted for making a fish finder. Fish finders vary in technologies used and working principles, so I decided to sketch my own, which combines multiple technologies at once:

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is when your approach the design from the perspective of the user. It consists of five nonlinear stages, meaning they don’t have to be consecutive: Empathize->Define->Ideate->Prototype->Test Except the last two, it is conventional that after each prototype, you test. You’ll have to think of your design in terms of viability, feasibility, and desirability. Your thinking will go through multiple stages, where it diverges then converges, typically as follows:

Practicing examples of “user statement”, “problem statement”, and POV:

I assumed I’m working on a “fish finder” project, therefore I came up with the following: 1. User statement: “I ‘m frustrated with going back home catching only 3 kg of fish instead of at least 13 kg!”. 2. Problem statement: A fisherman would like to be able to go back home with an adequate amount of fish, to be satisfied with his trip. 3. POV: How might we create (action) a fish finder device (what) for the fisherman (user) in order to help him find good fishing spots (what).

Writing an introduction to our final project

We were asked to reference at least 5 to 10 research papers. We were given guidelines as well as advice when searching for research papers. Guidelines included: 1. Research papers not being too old. 2. Journal being well renowned. 3. Author being recognized in his community.

The main advice given was to use google scholar:

Last update: March 5, 2025