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About me

Hi! I am Mahmood Abdulla. I am a chemical engineering student whose graduating in the upcoming spring semester. I strive to further develop my skills and knowledge in the chemical engineering field. I am here in Fablab to have a solid foundation with regards to the fundamental fabrication techniques to establish a strong fabrication knowledge to further utilize it in my senior project to fabricate a microreactor for the degradation of azo dyes.

Visit this website to see my work!

My background

I was born in Jidhafs, Bahrain on the 27th of October 1999. I went to AlNaim Secondary Boys School for high school. I love learning and discovering many new things especially in the chemical engineering field.

Previous work

-Candidate in the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program.

-Peer tutor and Teaching assistant at the University of Bahrain for various chemical engineering subjects like introduction to chemical engineering and chemical engineering thermodynamics.

-Junior project: Measuring the Viscosity of Newtonian Fluids Using a Simple Viscometer.

Project A

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Last update: June 27, 2021