8. Moulding and casting¶
Group Assignment:¶
Link of the group assignment page
Individual Assignment:¶
This week we are asked to make a 3d design to mill it…
I was inspired by the recent james webb telescope mission, so I decided to design a rocket.
For more information about James webb telescope mission click here
The software design I decided to use is openscad, I thought that the rocket consists of simple geometrical parts.. so openscad will be the suitable software.
The first step is that I designed the rocket head:
After that I designed the body of the rocket:
Lastly I designed the rocket wings.
Final design:
the code I written:
// increase the visual detail
$fn = 100;
// the main body :
// a cylinder
rocket_d = 20; // 3 cm wide
rocket_r = rocket_d / 2;
rocket_h = 100; // 10 cm tall
cylinder(d = rocket_d, h = rocket_h);
// the head :
// a cone
head_d = 30; // 4 cm wide
head_r = head_d / 2;
head_h = 35; // 4 cm tall
// prepare a triangle
tri_base = head_r;
tri_height = head_h;
tri_points = [[0, 0],
[tri_base, 0],
[0, tri_height]];
// rotation around X-axis and then 360° around Z-axis
// put it on top of rocket's body
rotate_extrude(angle = 360)
// the wings :
// 3x triangles
wing_w = 2; // 2 mm thick
many = 2; // 3x wings
wing_l = 30; // length
wing_h = 30; // height
wing_points = [[0,0],[wing_l,0],[0,wing_h]];
module wing() {
// let it a bit inside the main body
in_by = 1; // 1 mm
// set it up on the rocket's perimeter
translate([rocket_r - in_by,0,0])
// set it upright by rotating around X-axis
// set some width and center it
linear_extrude(height = wing_w,center = true)
// make a triangle
for (i = [0: many - 1])
rotate([0, 0, 360 / many * i])
After completing in open scad.. I realized that the design is not suitable like this to procede to the milling process.. It must be cut in half,, only on face of the design must remain.
So I used Tinkercad 3d to remove the other face..
Now we are ready to go to the practical part!
set the RS player whith the wanted settings, and start.
chosing the milling type
setting toolpath
The next step is to make the silicon mold. First cut the silicon then melt it:
NOTE: the heat of the pot was 200 degrees celesius.
After that we moved to the next step which is filling the silicon whith resin.
The ratio I used is 6 grams hardener to 10 grams of resin.
I added green color to the mixture.
I let the couple days to harden and this was the results:
Problems: As anyone can see the rocket came out whithout wings ); , because the wings was so thin the resin breaks.