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Final Project

Brief Description

For the final project, my colleague Sakeena and I started to think about a project where we can apply most of the knowledge that we gained throughout the course and simultaneously something which can benefit society, not our personal needs.

As for that, and because we believe that people with disabilities are an active and essential partner in building our society, we decided to shed the light on visually impaired people by providing them with a smart stick.

This project comes as a proposed solution to enable them to identify the world around them as they find difficulties detecting obstacles in front of them, during walking in the street, which makes it dangerous.


Before starting and going ahead with the project we had to do some research in order to gauge the scope of the project and devise a plan.

We went through several websites and videos and here are some of them:



Computer Controlled Machining (CNC)

Computer Controlled Cutting (Laser)


After the cutting process, we sanded and cleaned the wood pieces using sanding papers.



For the programming, we decided to use ultrasonic distance sensors that sense distance from the object and the measuring device through an output current. Besides, we used a buzzer which is an audio signaling device. Also, we used a light sensor that responds to changes in the amount of light received.

All of the devices mentioned above were programmed using Arduino IDE software.

For more information and details about the programming and coding, please visit Sakeena’s website.

BOM (Bill of Materials)

These were all the required materials for the design:

 Qty    Description    
 1     3mm Acrylic Sheet    
 1     6mm Acrylic Sheet   
 1     12mm Wood    
 1     Sanding Paper    
 6     Screw    

Refer back to Sakeena’s Website for the programming materials.

Hero Shots

You can find below a visual representation of the smart stick that demonstrates the details and how it actually works.

  • The whole stick

  • The lower part with the ultrasonic distance sensor

  • The middle part with the LED light

  • The upper part with the buzzer and the light sensor

  • The handle

Demo Videos

Future Developments

Personal Opinion


Last update: September 7, 2022