Final Test

The Test

All of the mechanisims of the project has been made and assembled, it is time to test whether, everything is working or not.
The test is going to be to print the pizza dough in the shape of the english letter "F" (Without Filling in to reduce time) to evaluate the machine and take notes of all errors and possible improvments.


First of all, we need to make a pizza dough to test the machine.

As we have everything ready, it is time to test the machine.

Notes and evaluation

The test was complete and the outcome was successful, here are the notes we took:

  • The machine works smoothly as intended.
  • Though the pizza dough we used was relatively thick, the machine managed to print the intended shape.
  • If we leave the pizza dough in the container for a long time, it will start to gradually stiff.
  • The Outer Apperance of the machine could be improved
  • And I know that I am not supposed to give my personal opinion, but the way the container move is so satisfying.
