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1. Project Management

This week I learned how to use my website on GitLab in order to document my weekly work. Also, I learned how to edit the website locally and in an easier process using Git Bash and Atom software.

Signing Up

Essentially I had to sign up to and GitLab and verify my account. In order to do that, I received a GitLab invitation from my instructor and then I signed in by the email that I have received the invitation from.


What is GitLab?

Gitlab is the software that I will be editing my Fab Academy website through. All the updates, changes, and modifications of the files will be reflected on my website.


In order to add a picture to my website using Gitlab, I followed these few steps:

First of all, I had to sign in to my account on Gitlab.

After that, I chose the file that I wanted to upload the picture in which was nawraa.alsaffar / doc / images / week01 as shown in the following picture.

Subsequently, I clicked on the plus + icon, Upload file, and I uploaded a random picture.

Later on, I copied the name of the picture organza-baby-blue.jpg.

Then, I moved to where I wanted the picture to be displayed on my website nawraa.alsaffar / docs / about / and clicked on the Edit button that allows me to edit the code and make my desired changes.

Here, I wrote the code of the picture, pasted its name, and I clicked on the Commit changes button that is on the bottom left of the same page.


Finally, I reloaded my website page a few times and the picture was there successfully.

Note: Editing through Gitlab might be very difficult in the first trials. However, it will be very easy once you get used to it.

Git Bash

What is Git Bash?

Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments which provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience.”


To download Git Bash software you need to visit their official website and then click on the download button as shown below.


Cloning the website enables the user to work on it offline, and to do that I had to follow these steps:

First, I created a new folder on my PC, named it Fab Lab Academy – Bahrain (you can name it whatever you want), right-clicked on the folder, and chose Git Bash Here in order to open the terminal.

Second, I went to my Gitlab page, clicked on the Clone button, and copied the URL link of Clone with HTTPS.

Third, I typed git clone and pasted the URL in the terminal.

Last but not least, I authenticated it by writing my Gitlab username and password.

Note: the rest of the process is done in Atom software which will be explained later on.


What is Atom?

Atom is a free and open-source text and source code editor for macOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows with support for plug-ins written in JavaScript, and embedded Git Control. Developed by GitHub, it is a desktop application built using web technologies.”

It allows us to edit our websites offline and in a faster way than GitLab itself.


To download Atom software you need to visit their official website and then click on the yellow button as shown below.


To start editing in Atom for the first time, you need to complete the cloning process as the following:

First, open Atom software, go to the file on the top toolbar and open the folder that you created on your PC previously.

Second, click on the git symbol on the right bottom of the page. Then, sign in with your name and email and choose Use for all repositories.

Third, make any change you wish, save it (ctrl + s), and move the Unstaged Changes to the Staged Changes by clicking on the Stage All button on the right-hand side.

Finally, write your commit message, click on the Commit button, and push it.

Note: after pushing your changes it might ask you to write your username and password.


You may now wonder how my website works, it works using Mkdocs.

MkDocs is a fast, simple, and downright gorgeous static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.”

Click here for more information and details about MkDocs.

Personal Opinion

  • I prefer editing through GitLab immediately, I think it is easier and straightforward.
  • I did not like Atom because it is in dark mode and psychologically it is not comfortable for me.


Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Atom (text editor). [online] Wikipedia. Available at: [Click Here]( [Accessed 18 May. 2022].

Atlassian (2019). Git bash: Definition, commands, & getting started | Atlassian. [online] Atlassian. Available at: Click Here [Accessed 18 May. 2022]. (n.d.). MkDocs. [online] Available at: Click Here [Accessed 16 Aug. 2022].

Last update: August 16, 2022