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2. Computer Aided Design

This week I started learning how to use 2D and 3D design programs.I worked on five different programs: cuttle,Fusion360,Inkscape, Tinkercad and OpenSCAD.


  • It is a 2D design software. It is free and onlinesoftware.

  • The Link for website

Cuttle Design

1.From units and setting I changed the unit to inch.

2.I started with a reference circle , on the right side i fixed everything thing and in the top i changed the name to reference circle.

3.Next, create the leaf by using pen tool to draw a line.Then I repeat it by using mirror in modify section.

4.Modify > rotational repeat.The number of rotationa is 12.

5.Hide the reference circle from top right side click on the eye.

6.Then ,I click on the line and in the right side i removed the hairline so the sketch become thiker with 0.14 width.In the stroke i changed thee color.

7.After that to fractal pattern.

8.The position chenge to (0,0).

9.The scale.


11.I go back to transform and changed the rotation and scale.

12.Cuttle design click.

  • Note:to share the link just from share > public > copy link.


  • It is application and free.

  • Link to download Inkscape.

Inkscape Design

Easy and simple design, I just used the star and reset it 42 times.

Inkscape designclick.


  • It is 3D and 2 Ddesign application and it is free.Basically it is a codeing iput and the shape output software.

  • link to download openSCAD.

OpenSCAD Design

1.First ,I used these codes to understand the language of the software and to help me to make the design.

2.My 3D design is lego.So , i start with a cube([x,y,z]).To run the code or view a preview of the created shape, click the appropriate button. Preview or F5 on the keyboard are the options.

3.Next , add four cylinders on the top of cube (i changed the size of cube to be smaller).The top base, bottom base, and height of the cylinder are shown as r1, r2, and h, correspondingly. The appropriate places for these cylinders were shifted. Translate([x,y,z]) should be used to move an object, where x, y, and z denote the displacement along each axis. Any sybmol between the translate and shape statements should be included.

4.The code.

cube ([20 ,20 , 10]);
$fn =1000 ;
translate([5,5,10]) cylinder(r1=3,r2=3,h=2);
translate([15,15,10]) cylinder(r1=3,r2=3,h=2);
translate([15,5,10]) cylinder(r1=3,r2=3,h=2);
translate([5,15,10]) cylinder(r1=3,r2=3,h=2);

5.In 3D model

  • NOTE:save the flie as STL from flie >export > export as STL.

5.Another attempt, make a circle with a height.

-The code:

``` linear_extrude(height=10) { difference() { offset (r=10) circle (d=10); offset(r=8) circle (d=10); } }


-In 3D model


  • It is a 3D design application.I downloaded free by using my university email.

Fustion360 Design

1.First , from solid section > create sketch > select a plane .

2.create sketch > triangle

3.create sketch > draw three lines.

4.Finish sketch (on the right side)

5.Also from create > revolve > I select the two body for profile and for the axis i select the virtual axis > click ok.

6.Next, From modify > shell > select face.

7.From modify > fillet > select two circle line and chenge the edge .

8.Then , create sketch > select body > create sketch > line tool > Finish sketch.

9.create > select the line and choose the pipe.

10.Modify > offcet place and edit for top and bottom.

11.The final look .

12.Fusion360 designclick

13.In 3D model.


  • Tinkercad is a free web app for 3D design, electronics, and coding.

  • The Link for website click.

Tinkercad Design

1.On the left side 3D Ddesign > create new design.

2.From basic shape > polygon shape .

3.Ctrl+D then shift+alt and make a small polygon shape > on the right side hole tool . all > from the top cut tool .

5.From basic shapes > box shape .

6.Hole tool for the box .

7.shift+D. all boxs > cut tool.

9.Put the boxs in polygon shape > repeat by shift+D > cut .

10.The link for design click.

11.In 3D model.

My Opinion

This is my first time working on design programs. So I took a lot of time to learn. All programs have a lot of educational videos on YouTube and this helped me a lot.

Last update: August 17, 2022