Project Management


I had zero experience with Atom or Git Bash. However, I did some research about those two Apps, especially git.

Get to Know Git

As it is stated in git official website :

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

It was my first time dealing with version control systems. so I had to a little research about their use. Version Control system is an important tool developers use to manage the changes to their code over time. Its most useful purpose is to track all the modifications that happens in the code. To know more about version control click here.

There are many different version control systems other than git, like Concurrent Versions System, Beanstalk, AWS CodeCommit, Apache Subversion,etc.

Who's Atom?

Atom, on the other hand, is a text-editor which supports many different programming languages with its packages.

With Fab Academy Bahrain 2021, my web page was already made in GitLab. I just needed to edit it after figuring out how to clone it to Atom and work on it locally from my laptop.

MKDocs - info about the website

The websiteI was using is powered by MKDocs:

MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.

The theme I used initially is Material for MkDocs. It is used with GitHub directly by cloning the repository into our project folder. MKDocs is one of the simplest static site generators, with good looking graphics.

Steps of making the website

It will be easier and more efficient to edit the web page locally on my laptop rather than editing it on GitLab.


The first thing I needed to figure out is how to clone. After googling, I found that there are two ways for the cloning, one using HTTPS, and the other is using SSH key, which is the more secure way. I went with HTTPS.

  • From GitLab repository, I went to my project page, and copied the HTTPS link.
  • Then, In Atom, I opened Command Palette > toggle:
  • A new window appeared, where I searched for "Clone":
  • Then, I pasted the HTTPS key:
  • After that, I needed to enter my credentials for GitLab:

  • An obstacle

  • An Error Message appeared to me, and the cloning didn't happen:
  • I had to go back to the repository to see what is wrong:
  • It seemed like I needed to set a password for the HTTPS to work, so I did:
  • Then, I repeated all the steps above to do the cloning, I entered my credentials with the new password I just sat:
  • After that, the cloning happened. Now I can see my project in Atom:
  • Working on Atom will edit and save the changed locally. To get all the changes back to GitLab repository, I need to push all the edits to git.

  • Pushing

    First, I need to make sure that I saved the file I just edited, then stage all the changes from the bar on the right. I knew that there are two ways to push. I tried pushing through Git Bash, but in the middle of my research on how to push through Git Bash, I went and tried pushing through Atom itself, which was pretty much easier.

  • After staging all the needed changes, type "Git push" in the Commit message:

  • An obstacle

  • When I first tried Pushing by typing "git push", the push button did not appear for me. I had to delete the file with the name "github" first, then things were smooth.
  • When I redone the pushing steps, the Push button appeared:
  • Then after hitting it all the changes will be pushed:
  • Now, I could see that changes happened when I go back to GitLab:

  • note:

    If other team members or you were working on the same project from a different device, make sure to pull before pushing so that you can get the changes from other devices. type " git pull" in Commit message.


    After getting used to pushing in Atom, It seemed like a long way to go to go get the webpage every time I made changes to see how they look.

    In Atom, we can preview all the changes and how they will look as I make the edits.

  • Markdown previewing package comes along with Atom, but if other languages were used, it is easy to get any package:
  • To get Markdown preview, right click on the page:
  • After that, a tab will open on the right of the desktop with the page:

  • Editing my pages

    After few times of trying to get used to all this process, now I can smoothly edit my pages and push the changes. This will be a task that I will do a lot as I will document all the steps of my assignments in the upcoming weeks.

    I started with editing my About Me page, I added few pictures and some personal information about myself.

    By working on my About me page, I got used to the commands and shortcuts in Atom, Moreover I got used to typing in different styles, adding links, adding pictures.

    Finally, it brings me to here, which is documenting all this in week 1 assignment.

    A note:

    All the files from pictures to videos need to be in the folder "github" for them to be used.

    Fab Academy 2024

    Change happens through the years, when I was doing Fab Academy 2024, I wanted to change how mu website looks. I tried HTML5 UP instead of Markdown. Another change was Atom's sunset:

    On June 8, 2022, GitHub announced Atom's end-of-life, occurring on December 15 of the same year

    Visual Studio Code

    I switched to Visual Studio Code to edit my pages, it was pretty easy to get used to it as I got used to Atom before. However, Atom will be missed.

  • Looks good, let's get started:
  • Open the folder where the website:
  • for this I downloaded a theme from html5 up:
  • html5

  • The template I downloaded is called Escape Velocity, but I customized it to match my room vibes:
  • @santhewitch

    my little den #bahrain #roomtour #home #roomdecor

    ♬ Little Things - Adrian Berenguer

  • I have all the html and css files for the website:
  • To view the website live while I am working on it, I used Live Server:
  • Now it's time to replace the old website with this one, Back to Atom, Deleted the md files and replaced them with the html files:
  • Add a new file in gitlab:
  • Name it [.gitlab-ci.yml] and pick HTML as the template, this tells it that "man you are a website, get hosted or somethings"
  • Nice, the circle is green and we are good to edit the website and push the changes!

  • Working with HTML

    Looking at the html & css code, one might find it scary. However, it is really easy to use. One useful website was w3schools, which has a lot of helpful tutorials for html and styling with css.

    html Tags:

  • The main tags any html page has are < header > & < body > .
  • To add different headlines and paragraphs use < h1 >< h2 > < h3 > & < p >.
  • To add images to html, your image should be in the same main folder as your website. Use the tag < img src="folder1/folder2/image.png" alt="" >.
  • To add lists, use the tag < li > .
  • Those are the main used tags in html, however, it all comes to styling with css now, I changed a lot about the used theme Escape Velocity.

    This happened many times, even though I started with a ready made template. Many things changed while I am working on the website and there is a good chance that things will keep on changing. I hope things look good while you are reading.

    An Obstacle

    While I was working with my website, I was viewing the changes on Live Server on Microsoft Edge. Things were fine until I opened the website on Google Chrome and it looked .. kinda like the Pikachu meme above.

    The image on the right is in Microsoft Edge while the one on the left is on Google Chrome

    I googled the issue, and the solution that came up as using Normalize.css You just need to download the css normalize file in your main folder, then attach it in the header of your pages. It fixes the issue with spacing, margins, and paddings.

    And now it looks good on different browsers, including phones and tablets and different size screens.

    What do we think, html or Markdown?

    After using Markdown for almost two years, switching to html feels different, but in a good way.


  • Faster to make, does not need much time to get used to, and it is easier to use if your have no previous experience.
  • You don't have to worry about your webpage looking like it went through a hurricane.
  • You don't have to worry about your webpage looking weird when opened in the phone or any other screen.
  • HTML & CSS

  • It looks cooler.
  • Teaches you to be patient.
  • But the final result looks good.