Computer-Aided Design


My experience in design is limited to Adobe illustrator, but I got experienced in different 2D and 3D design software during this week. First I started learning about different software, and following tutorials, and trying them, then I designed pieces for the final project.

Process in 2D

I wanted to try new 2D tools besides illustrator, so I used Inkscape, and tried AutoCAD for 2D design.


started with downloading the app which was free, it has a simple interface similar to most 2D designing apps.

I started by watching a YouTube tutorial so that I can get to know the tools and possibilities of INKSCAPE, from this link:

INKSCAPE tutorial

Then I improvised to do my own design, which was a simple sketch of a robot.


  • Use the Elliptical shape and by holding ctrl + shift to draw a circular shape.
  • Then place another Elliptical on top of it.
  • After that go to path to take the intersection between the two shapes, which will be the robot's head.
  • Use oval shapes to draw the eyes, and similar to the previous steps use two circles and take the intersections of them to make the neck part.
  • Copy the neck shape to complete the neck and use it for the hands as well, use half an oval for each hand and tringle for the legs, and then the robot is ready.
  • To download the SVG file for the robot Click here


    since I know how to use AutoCAD for 3D designs, I wanted to try it for 2D design. I designed a paper cube.


  • start by setting the interface on 2D mode from the bottom right, Then draw a rectangle from the shown tool.
  • Copy the rectangle 4 times to represents the sides of the cube.
  • Select the point you want to copy from.
  • Then select the point you want to copy to.
  • Place the 4 rectangles as shown and use the same tool to draw two slightly bigger rectangles as seen.
  • Use polyline tool to draw the part that will be folded.
  • Use the mirror tool to copy the folding parts as shown.
  • Repeat previous steps to make smaller folding parts as shown.
  • Using the measure tool, make sure of the distance of the smaller folding parts.
  • This distance will be needed to make the parts that will be cut from the bigger folding parts.
  • Using the polyline tool and the oval shape, draw the character's features.
  • The trim tool is useful to erase the parts unneeded.
  • The offset part is useful to draw the hat of the character.
  • Now the printable cube is ready to be printed and folded.
  • To download the DWG file for the cube Click here.

    Personal evaluation

  • comparing Inkscape and AutoCAD, I think Inkscape is easier to improvise in it if you have seen at last one of the designing apps such as paint/ illustrator/ etc. the tools are clear of what they do, it is simple, free and has a great potential for graphics and artistic projects.
  • On the other I found AUTOCAD easier to deal with when it comes to dimensions and measuring. However, it does not have the usual interface of 2D designing apps as it is a 3D tool.

  • Process in 3D

    AutoCAD 3D

    I tried to make the cube as 3D design using AutoCAD. first, switch to 3D modeling from bottom right.

  • Then use the extrude tool to make a thickness out of the 2D surface.
  • The presspull tool could be used to pull or push the surfaces and the lines.
  • To view the 3D model in different formats you can change the view.
  • You can also choose colors for each part.
  • After all the editing, the 3D model is ready.
  • To download the DWG file for the cube Click here.

    Fusion 360

    I downloaded Fusion360 using an educational license, which makes it available for 1 year only. I designed two different ideas on Fusion, the first one is a sitting part (similar to a chair), which is a part of a bigger idea for a telescope chair. My second idea was a Minecraft-themed sword, which was simpler.

    Chair Steps

  • Start out with a new sketch, which allow us to draw the side view of what we want to make.
  • Then finish the sketch and extrude the pieces you have drawn.
  • Put all the pieces together and use fillet to make smother (rounder) edges.
  • This is the final look on the sitting unit.
  • To download the F3D file for the chair Click here.

    Sword Steps

  • Similarly, start by sketching squares for the sword.
  • After finishing the sketch, extrude the squares in different heights, with the help of Press Pull tool.
  • Finally fillet the sharp edges for rounder ones.
  • And this is the final sword after editing the colors.

    To download the F3D file for the sword Click here.

    Personal evaluation

    Comparing AutoCAD as 3D app with Fusion 360, I found them both very similar with alike tools. Nevertheless, I think Fusion 360 is quite easier for 3D design.

    Final Project Designs

    For my final project, I am making an educational interactive board game, you can check the idea of the final project here here

    2D Designing the Steps Pieces (The Board)

    To make the game more interesting and adjustable, The steps were made as jigsaw pieces of different colors. This will allow the players to design their own path, whether it is a short one, or a long path with twists.

    Steps Design

    The pieces were designed in Fusion 360.

    Download The Steps Design

  • DXF File

  • 3D Designing the Main Piece (The Astronaut)

      After knowing everything I need to include in my design for the piece, I then started the process of designing it and printing it.

      I used Fuion360 for the design, and I did it from scratch.

      The design consists of three parts:

    • The 1st Base which holds on the Arduino, and it is tighten to the body and the 2nd base. It must have a hole for the USB wire and must be empty for the wires to be connected in the Pinouts of the Arduino.

    • The 2nd Base which tightens up to the 1st base, and has a placement for LED Strips. It must have a place for the wires of the LED strips to go all the way up and be connected to the pinouts of the Arduino.

    • The Body which tighten up to the 1st base and basically it is the shape of the piece. It must be empty from the inside.

    1st Base Design

    Started with a cylinder of diameter 7 cm.

    Make a hole of the shape of a rectangular of the same size of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense ( 45x18mm).

    Use the Thread tool to make a thread around the base.

    To make a thread that works when 3D printed, I followed this tutorial:

    Thread Tutorial

    Make a smaller cylinder hole, while keeping the base of the Arduino in the bottom, this will make up the space for all the wires and connections needed.

    From one side make a 2.5 cm diameter hole going all the way to the rectangle, which is for the USB wire to connect to the Arduino.

    The final result of the 1st Base design is as seen:

    2nd Base Design

    Make a new component, and start by drawing a hallow cylinder of height 3 cm.

    Make two parallel rectangles of width 1 cm, or depending the LED strips to be placed. Also make a circular hole in the position of the built-in RGB sensor of the Arduino.

    Make a thread in the inside of the piece, for it to tighten up with Base 1. Make sure that there is some tolerance so that after 3d printing it, the thread works.

    make a hole similar to the one in Base 1 for the USB wire.

    This is how the base look from upper view.

    The final design of the 2nd Base is as seen:

    Body Design

    Start by making a third component, make a hallow cylinder slightly bigger than the bases.

    use the Torus to make an upper part on the cylinder. Make threads to be tighten up with Base 1.

    Use Coil attached to a sphere to make the hands.

    Mirror the hands and attach it to the body.

    Add two more torus on top to attach the body to the helmet of the astronaut.

    Make the helmet using a sphere.

    Make a smaller sphere a little bit coming out from the first one.

    Erase the second sphere from the first one.

    Make sure there is an empty path for the wires all the way from the helmet to down the body.

    The final Body Design is as seen:

    Download The Piece Design (3 Parts)