Electronics Production

After exporting the PCB design from the Eagle software, I imported it into Inkscape for the purpose of separating the design into different parts for milling. In Inkscape, I carefully divided the design into distinct sections, considering factors such as the size and complexity of the board. This division allowed for a more efficient and organized milling process.

To generate the tool paths and optimize the milling parameters, I utilized mod.mit, a powerful tool for PCB milling. With mod.mit, I inputted the necessary parameters, including document feeds, speeds, plunge rate, depth of cut for both traces and the outline, and tooling information. This comprehensive tool ensured precise control over the milling process, enabling me to achieve the desired level of accuracy and quality in the final PCB.

By leveraging Inkscape for design separation and mod.mit for generating tool paths and defining milling parameters, I was able to streamline the milling process and ensure optimal results for the PCB design. These software tools played a vital role in transforming the digital design into a physical PCB, ready for assembly and integration with the Seeed Xiao nrf52840 microcontroller.

Once the milling process was completed, I carefully retrieved the PCB circuit and proceeded to solder all the components mentioned in Week 9. With meticulous attention to detail, I ensured that each component was soldered properly, paying particular attention to avoiding any unintended connections or short circuits. Careful inspection was conducted to verify that no components were touching each other, which could potentially cause interference or malfunction.

After completing the soldering process, I successfully assembled the circuit, and it is now ready for code testing. The comprehensive and precise soldering ensures reliable electrical connections, allowing for accurate signal transmission and optimal performance. With the circuit in place, I can proceed to test and upload the necessary code to the Seeed Xiao nrf52840 microcontroller, enabling me to evaluate its functionality and ensure that it operates as intended.

To initiate the code testing phase, I chose a simple example, such as the "blink" program. Using the Arduino IDE, I attempted to upload the code to the Seeed Xiao nrf52840 microcontroller. Following the upload process, the IDE generated a .bin file containing the compiled code. I proceeded to use J-Link Device programming, where I added the .bin file to the programming interface.

Fortunately, the J-Link program successfully recognized my microcontroller, establishing a connection between the programming tool and the Seeed Xiao nrf52840. With the connection established, I was able to upload the code correctly to the microcontroller. This crucial step ensures that the program is transferred accurately, and the microcontroller is ready to execute the desired functionality.

By utilizing the Arduino IDE, generating a .bin file, and utilizing the J-Link Device programming tool, I successfully completed the code testing phase. This ensures that the Seeed Xiao nrf52840 microcontroller is programmed with the desired code, ready to perform the expected tasks and demonstrate the functionality of the developed development board.