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4. CO2 Laser


A simple design was done using fusion 360. First, a rectangular sketch was done. Then this sketch was extruded.

Then another sketch over the square was drawn and extruded as a cut.

An offset plane was done through the object to create the mirror to repeat the gap over and over. The same procedure

A line sketch was done to create a plane along path to repeat the gap on the other edges.

The same procedure was repeated to create a triangle.


CO2 laser is a subtractive machine which can be used to produce objects that require precision. CO2 laser can engrave and cut different materials such as plywood and acrylic. Light is produced when electricity runs through a gas-filled tube with mirrors at both ends. One is fully reflective while the other lets the light come through. The gas is typically a mixture of 10% of carbon dioxide, 80% of nitrogen, and 10% of helium. The power and speed can be adjusted according to the material and the desired application (engrave or cut).

Before cutting the pieces a test for the machine settings was done to optimize the best setting values. The calibration procedure is provided in detail in the group assignment.

The designs were converted to 2D designs specifically dxf file and sent to the laser cutter software.

Both shapes are cut and assembled together.

Later on both shapes were assembled with the other two shapes that were created by my colleague.


Last update: August 24, 2021